I'm from Ukraine, and it's a good country. Some people there are great in every way, like my friend Taras. But most feel unsafe due to constant discourse in power - a government that doesn't know how to handle Russia, by making the worst decision possible every bloody time.
So, about me, where to start ... well, Taras, I mentioned him before, thinks it's impressive that I had many different jobs, including a year of Senior Waiter position in Burj Khalifa (Tallest building in the world, Dubai), a couple of month in the drilling company, an english tutor for kids, and at least five more jobs. I tried to avoid full time programming jobs as much as possible, because I would want to delete Unity from my home computer, just like Taras did. He develops applications with Unity, but not games, a cool AR projects. He is like super talented, he had his own Death Metal Band, and he was doing all the work: producing, postproduction, organising everyone. Now he is married, doesn't seem to be doing much of that. His wife is a musician too. How great is it to find someone with similar passion. I think he still plays, and he has a kid, probably will tech him to play too. The boy will be the next Mick Gordon. Taras was actually the one who helped me start programming, and also a few years back, when I said that I want to quickly write a game for mobile, what is the best language, he told me to learn Unity. And here I am now, same as before, but with my own website.
This is basically my whole story. There was other life stuff, but this pretty much all you need to know about me.